Selasa, 30 September 2014

Learn More About Diabetes Mellitus


Approximately 285 million people worldwide suffer from diabetes, and India has a largest number of people living with diabetes. According to the International " Diabetes " Federation, 61.3 million people in India suffer from diabetes in 2011. 

That number is projected to increase of to 101.2 million by 2030. 70 percent of people with diabetes are from low or medium income countries. 80 percent of Type 2 diabetes can be prevented with lifestyle changes. Diabetes is the leading cause of kidney failure. In the U.S., diabetes is the biggest killer in addition to deaths by the caused by breast cancer and AIDS.

Diabetes is a life-threatening disease that is more than breast cancer and AIDS. Two of the three people with diabetes may develop later in life Complications of liver disease and stroke. Research has unveiled some startling facts about diabetes that has rocked the world. This lifestyle diseases could continue increasing the amount if you do not change your lifestyle.

There is a myth facts like this "If your parents have diabetes, you certainly will not have diabetes," the fact is not so "Indeed there are genetic factors in diabetes, but there are many other factors that play a role in patterns of a particular person's lifestyle. If a person maintain a good condition of his lifestyle and diligent exercise, it may not necessarily have diabetes. "Diabetes Drug

Diabetes Mellitus - In general, diabetes is a hereditary disease, but research shows the results of a number of Patients with this disease, little is recorded due to heredity factors. Diabetes is generally by the caused by the consumption of foods that are not controlled or the side effects of drugs - drugs particular. 

Habits of daily life - the day also greatly Affect people affected by diabetes. The understanding of Diabetes Mellitus (Diabetes) is a disease in roomates glucose (simple sugar) in the blood is high Because the body can not release or use insulin adequately. 

Insulin is a hormone that is released by the pancreas, roomates is the main substance responsible for maintaining proper blood sugar levels. Causes insulin moves sugar into cells so that it can produce energy or stored as energy reserves.

Factors that may cause a person's diabetes is:

1. Heredity
2. Overweight / Obesity Occurs usually at the age of 40 years
3. High blood pressure
4. Figures triglycerid (a type of fat molecule) that high
5. High cholesterol levels
6. Modern lifestyles are Likely to consume instant food
7. Smoking and stress
8. Too much consumption of carbohydrates
9. Damage to the pancreatic cell

The common symptoms experienced by people with diabetes are:

1. Peeing a lot, especially at night
2. Easy thirsty and drink a lot
3. Easily hungry and eat a lot
4. Easily Often exhausted and sleepy
5. Blurred vision
6. Frequent dizziness and nausea
7. Impaired limb coordination motors
8. Weight loss continues
9. Often tingling and itching - itching on hands and feet

Symptoms are the effects of the high blood sugar levels, roomates will Affect the kidneys produce urine in excessive amounts to dilute the glucose, so people urinate Often in large quantities.

" Learn diabetic to avoid being hit "

Is For The Danger Anemia Sufferers ?


 Anemia or less blood is Often called a state where the levels of hemoglobin (Hb) and red blood cell count in the body more than the normal limit. Normal range: = 13g/dl Adult Men, Adult Women = 12/dl. Possible Complications are heart failure, and impaired balance and heart.

Anemia is a Decrease in the quantity or quality of red blood cells in the circulation, may be roomates by the caused by impaired formation of red blood cells, Increased loss of red blood cells through chronic or sudden bleeding, or lysis (destruction) of red blood cells is excessive (Elizabeth Corwin, 2002).

Where the incidence is 30% in each individual in the entire world. Particularly high prevalence in developing countries Because of dietary deficiency and infection or blood loss due to gastrointestinal parasites.

Red blood cells contain a hemoglobin roomates Enables them to carry oxygen from the lungs and deliver it to all parts of the body. Anemia causes a reduced number of red blood cells or the amount of hemoglobin in red blood cells, so blood can not carry oxygen in the required number of NAMAs body.

" Anemia " is the result of red blood cell transport will be disrupted and the body tissue of the patient will experience oxygen deficiency anemia to result in energy. So do not wonder if Indicated by symptoms of anemia feel tired, pale, agitated, and sometimes crowded. As well marked with pale color in some parts of the body such as the tongue and eyelids.

Simple blood tests can Determine the presence of anemia. The percentage of red blood cells in total blood volume (hematocrit) and the amount of hemoglobin in a blood sample can be determined. The inspection is part of a complete blood count (CBC).

Causes Anemia:
1. Spending excessive blood (hemorrhage)
2. Formation of red blood cells is less.
3. Impaired absorption of food is less.
4. Increase of needs, worms mines and iron loss due to bleeding.
5. Low nutrient intake.

1. Tired, lethargic, weak muscles.
2. Pallor, palpitations, shortness of breath and heart failure when working.
3. Headache, dizziness, tingling, buzzing ears.
4. Decreases the concentration of power.
5. Drowsiness.
6. Taste like fainting.

HOW TO Prevent Anemia
1. Prevent hygiene / sanitation.
2. Existing treat indigestion.
3. So nutritious foods.
4. Provision of iron tablets, vitamin B12.

 " Anemia should be addressed immediately in order not to get worse "

Senin, 29 September 2014

Ratus Vagina Should Do Before Marriage ?


Ratus vagina is one form of beauty in a woman's body in the form of vaginal fumigation methods using certain spices. Many women believe ratus vagina making sex organs become fragrant and fresh. That said, during and after doing ratus, lenders out of the area. 

In fact, there are many who believe that the result of the evaporation of various herbs that make the vaginal walls become rough. A source stated that no material or ingredient in spa / ratus vagina containing expectorant. The ingredients stimulate the " vagina " discharge. 

That way, after undergoing a spa / ratus, vagina feels rough. It was only momentary effect. Therefore, the slime will come back. Due to moisture in the vaginal, cervical mucus is produced (cervical) which will clean the vagina, and wash away dead cells and remnants of menstruation in order to get out of the vaginal cavity. 

On average each day she put out two grams of dead cells and three grams of mucus. Even so, underwent spa / ratus may be declared if the reason for vaginal care. Such treatment is recommended instead. If done correctly, vagina spa lower uterine cancer risk. 

Logically, if the hygiene, the area around the vagina is maintained, the likelihood of infection is reduced. But, the frequency must be considered. A maximum of two times a week. In addition to frequency, which also must be considered is when running the ratus vagina, vagina must be in good health. 

Should not be doing ratus vagina vagina when going through things that many pathological as whitish, odor, and color. Because if keep doing ratus, even feared infection will spread to the inside. 

Noteworthy is also the material used in the process should be sterile ratus so as not to be a source of transmission of disease, do not contain harmful ingredients, does not alter the vaginal pH so that the normal flora that protect the vagina is not dead.

" Vagina health must be maintained before and after marriage "

Varicose Vagina In Pregnant Women ?


The vagina is a tube-shaped channel that connects the uterus to the outside of the body in mammals (humans and animals). The vagina is the female reproductive organs in mammals, as well as the penis in male mammals.
Although the size of the assortment vagina in women, but the length range of 6 to 7.5 cm (2.5 to 3 inches) includes the anterior wall, and 9 cm (3.5 inches) for the length of the posterior wall covering. At the time of sexual stimulation, vaginal length and width will increase.

Vaginal elasticity can assist in the process of sexual intercourse, and in addition it helps during the birth process. Varicose veins are not only familiar with the calf or the anus, the vagina can occur in varicose veins. Vaginal varicose veins often do not cause complaints to the sufferer and usually occurs in women who are pregnant.

Vaginal varicose veins in pregnant women can be fatal. Therefore, every pregnant woman should be aware of the possibility of the occurrence of this disorder disease is triggered by hormonal changes that cause blood vessel elasticity changed. 

Could also be caused by the flow of the veins from the legs to the heart depressed by uterine weight. In addition to the condition of pregnancy, vaginal varicose veins can also suffer users corticosteroid drugs,. It could also be experienced by patients with abnormalities of blood vessels. 

However, most cases still occur when the pregnancy is going. According to Dr. Ifzal, specifically " vagina " varicose veins, no action can be taken to mitigate them. Usually, the doctor let alone enough. Under normal conditions, vaginal varicose veins will disappear by itself after delivery, as hormone levels return to normal. 

Even so, the risk of bleeding when vaginal delivery was normal or stay here. Thus, preparations need to be done when the bleeding if undiagnosed vaginal varicose veins. Prevention Have not found a special tool to prevent vaginal varicose veins in pregnant women. 

However prevention can be done by pregnant women diligently raised foot by placing it on a pillow when lying down or reading a book, at least, can help blood flow. This way the foot. Avoid wearing shoes, preferably with a maximum of 2 cm so that blood flow was blocked. During sleep, try not lie only in a position to avoid pressure on the blood vessels in one place.

" Vaginal varicose veins remains to be seen "

Minggu, 28 September 2014

How to Cope With Fimosi Circumcision ?



STEP CARE and its treatment

" Phimosis " is a congenital abnormality in which the foreskin of the penis foreskin of the penis is too stretched. The foreskin of the penis which can cause a gap stretched foreskin be a soft place for breeding of germs sex. If left alone can be a major cause of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

The symptoms of phimosis can be detected at an early age, to see the shape of the penis foreskin children who are too stretched and not close tightly.

Phimosis Treatment form

There are three ways you can do to overcome that is by cutting the foreskin phimosis penis (circumcision), with drugs or the back foreskin penis stretching therapy. Most doctors strongly recommend to do the circumcision, the foreskin of the penis cutting so it does not become a source of sexually transmitted diseases. 

Such drug therapy using a prescription ointment can improve the elasticity of the penis foreskin. Penis foreskin stretching therapy can also be done but must be careful not injured penis foreskin. 

Of the three alternatives, I would advise you to do the circumcision only, because in addition to solve the problem of the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, can also increase your sexual pleasure when having sex or have sex because the penis is rich in nerve cells directly in contact with the vaginal wall. 

Suggest Paramedics reason circumcision circumcision or circumcision is a tradition that developed in the teachings of Islam since the time of Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) even exist in the records of the Bible, where the foreskin or sheath that is in the head of the penis is cut so that the head of the penis can be clearly seen from the outside. 

Here are some reasons of health experts advise men to be circumcised :
For Health

In some non-Muslim countries such as the USA and Australia, circumcision highly recommended by health experts because, according to new research can prevent urinary tract infections. Additionally circumcised penis is easier to clean, it makes it difficult man penis foreskin to clean the penis so the foreskin cracks into 'heaven' for various sexual germs.

For Sexual Pleasure

There are nerves in the foreskin of the penis, but the nerve cells in the head of the penis are covered by foreskin is much greater in number. If the foreskin on the penis cut / circumcised, the head of the penis will be in direct contact with the walls of the vagina so that the sensation of sexual pleasure is much more enjoyable than not circumcised. 

Circumcision can also be one of the solutions which is quite helpful for sufferers of premature ejaculation. Circumcision can also increase your sexual pleasure with his wife in bed.

Avoid Phimosis and paraphimosis

Phimosis is where the foreskin problems that arise can not be pulled through head due to the narrowing of the size of the foreskin. If this fimosis last until adulthood, the penis will be sore once when erection and have sex. 

Phimosis condition also causes dirt that collects in the foreskin be difficult to clean so that in the long term can lead to infections and venereal diseases. Another with paraphimosis. Paraphimosis is when the condition in which the foreskin is interested, it is difficult to be restored again. 

It would be very disturbing if intercourse, so it should be circumcised. So if you want to be circumcised, you should not convert to Islam because Islam is universal, useful also for other faiths

" Phimosis should immediately tackle "

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