Kamis, 02 Oktober 2014

Take Drug Do Not Try ?

[  Drugs | Keystone Drug Rehab ],

Taking the medication without a prescription has become our daily habit. This is fine as long as it is done according to the rules. Taking the medicine without the instructions and restrictions foundation potentially toxic drugs.

Not a few of us are lazy to go to a doctor when we are sick. With a variety of cost-effective reasons, lazy and a variety of other reasons. So it is with Mrs. Ln, she has no complaints right knee pain and swelling once for 5 days. This disease is lost and recovered for three years. 

Having previously left, he finally decided to go to a doctor. Doctors prescribe dikolfenak and prednisone for five days. Patients feel very comfortable and the disease rapidly improved. Feel more fit, she felt confident with the efficacy of the drug.

The disease recur, unfortunately he ignored the advice of doctors to return control to the doctor. The trust itself and previous drug efficacy, then they neglect to consult medicine and choose to buy your own copy of the drug by prescription from a doctor that she was saved. This he did for three months.

Not long ago, he again stepped medicine. But this time the complaint added. In addition to his leg pain is still lost and recovered, he also complained about having to get up to pee. His face turned into a round (Moon Face). 

Not only that, the results showed the doctor his blood pressure rose to 170/100 mmHg of the original normal and weight gain of five pounds. he admitted afterwards cured.

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