Diabetes is a life-threatening disease that is more than breast cancer and AIDS. Two of the three people with diabetes may develop later in life Complications of liver disease and stroke. Research has unveiled some startling facts about diabetes that has rocked the world. This lifestyle diseases could continue increasing the amount if you do not change your lifestyle.
There is a myth facts like this "If your parents have diabetes, you certainly will not have diabetes," the fact is not so "Indeed there are genetic factors in diabetes, but there are many other factors that play a role in patterns of a particular person's lifestyle. If a person maintain a good condition of his lifestyle and diligent exercise, it may not necessarily have diabetes. "Diabetes Drug
Diabetes Mellitus - In general, diabetes is a hereditary disease, but research shows the results of a number of Patients with this disease, little is recorded due to heredity factors. Diabetes is generally by the caused by the consumption of foods that are not controlled or the side effects of drugs - drugs particular.
Factors that may cause a person's diabetes is:
1. Heredity
2. Overweight / Obesity Occurs usually at the age of 40 years
3. High blood pressure
4. Figures triglycerid (a type of fat molecule) that high
5. High cholesterol levels
6. Modern lifestyles are Likely to consume instant food
7. Smoking and stress
8. Too much consumption of carbohydrates
9. Damage to the pancreatic cell
The common symptoms experienced by people with diabetes are:
1. Peeing a lot, especially at night
2. Easy thirsty and drink a lot
3. Easily hungry and eat a lot
4. Easily Often exhausted and sleepy
5. Blurred vision
6. Frequent dizziness and nausea
7. Impaired limb coordination motors
8. Weight loss continues
9. Often tingling and itching - itching on hands and feet
Symptoms are the effects of the high blood sugar levels, roomates will Affect the kidneys produce urine in excessive amounts to dilute the glucose, so people urinate Often in large quantities.