Sabtu, 27 September 2014

How to Prevent and Treat Hypertension Disease ?


Hypertension is a disease that is not biased to be underestimated. This disease is a disease that must be treated seriously. This disease becomes serious because of dangerous complications.

High blood pressure or hypertension is an increase in arterial pressure. Disease in which the blood pressure is the upper limit (sistnolik) more than 140 mmHg and / or the lower limit of blood pressure (diastolic) of more than 90mmHg.

Complications that can arise from high blood pressure disease is a disorder of vision to blindness, heart problems, kidney disorders and impaired cerebral blood vessels.

One of the complications caused by hypertension the eye complications. Damage to the eye, especially the retina. This damage can be divided into several sections, namely:

1. Light Damage

The narrowing of blood vessels, thus reducing blood supply to the retina.

2. Moderate damage

This resulted in minor damage to the eye bleeding, mikroanerisma, description of damage to the retina.

3. Heavy Damage

On heavy damage, visible swelling or edema in the optic disc, the disc where the eye delivering neural stimulation to the eye.Very high blood pressure, will increase intracranial pressure (pressures in the skull), optic ischemia caused a lack of blood flow to the eye. It is also one possible sign of emergence of stroke.

Symptoms of Hypertension:

There are two symptoms you need to know about high blood pressure:

1. Mild symptoms: Often no symptoms.

2. Serious Symptoms: Headaches, nosebleeds, dizziness or headaches are throbbing.

If people have " hypertension ", so you should often consult a doctor regularly because many people do not experience significant symptoms until the disease has reached the advanced level.

Very high pressure can cause the sudden symptoms such as eye suddenly blurred or shaded, accompanied by headaches, visual impairments to blind suddenly and it should be brought to the hospital.

In addition to damage to the retina hypertension can also cause other complications of the eye, such as blockage of the blood vessels and retinal eye retinal emboli which can cause sudden blindness, and makroaneurisma retina and optic nerve damage (retinopathy). 

In addition, hypertension can accelerate the occurrence of cataracts or damage to the eye lens.

How to Prevent High Blood Press:
1. Eat less salt in food.
2. Creating a way of life that is not strained (stress).
3. Consult regularly on health serv.
4. Taking medication as directed by your doctor.

" Hypertension should be controlled "

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